PM Point of View® to Feature Highlights from the 2018 Project Management Symposium: Turning Knowledge into Practice

MPS President, Kendall Lott, was wearing his podcast hat recently, when he attended the annual Project Management Symposium, hosted by the University of Maryland’s Project Management Center for Excellence. With him was a team of M Powered Strategies consultants and PMP®s, armed with audio recorders. While Kendall conducted “man on the street” interviews with speakers and attendees at the symposium, his team fanned out to record three key…


What is Vendor Engagement?

In big-volume acquisitions, procurement is fraught with challenges. If you are the buyer, you want to be as knowledgeable as possible. That’s why vendor engagement is key. The more knowledgeable the buyer, the better the deal. Category Management, a systematic and disciplined approach to procurement that was originally developed for the packaging industry, has been adopted by Federal Government agencies.  In Category Management, buyer and…


MPS Contributes to Local Nonprofit

Did you know that there are over 400,000 youth in the foster care system in the United States? Many enter the system with little more than the clothes on their backs. For the month of May, the staff at MPS elected to give $500 to Comfort Cases, whose mission is to bring comfort and dignity to the thousands of children entering the system each year, by providing book bags with essentials such as toiletries, as well as books, stuffed animals,…


What is the Category Plan? The video.

This is the third in a series of videos produced by Final Milestone Productions of MPS, about Category Management – a procurement process that leads to lower costs and improved quality. Learn about the role of the Category Plan from one of the founders of Category Management, Gordon Wade.



MPS Contributes

As part of our Community Engagement commitment, every month M Powered Strategies contributes $500.00 to a nonprofit that is selected by the staff.  April’s recipient, Libraries Without Borders (LWB) works to ensure that regardless of their circumstances, people throughout the world can live with dignity and have an opportunity to thrive through access to information, education and culture. Working in about twenty countries across the globe,…


Final Milestone Productions Presents a Short Video about the Category Management Process

Final Milestone Productions, a subsidiary of M Powered Strategies, proudly presents the second in a series of short videos about Category Management. Here, Gordon Wade, one of the founders of Category Management, describes the seven-step process.
