MPS Congratulates VA Change Makers


We are proud to share a story of successful change within the Department of Veterans Affairs’ (VA) Product Platform Management (PPM) office. The PPM team recently received the VA’s I CARE award for outstanding service to Veterans and impactful change within VA Information Technology. This team, led by Dr. Alan Constantian, developed a series of IT product planning documents that analyzed IT needs across the VA to describe the…


MPS Brings High Impact MBTI Workshop to Public Allies, DC

Public Allies is a national nonprofit on a mission to create a just and equitable society and the diverse leadership to sustain it. Earlier this year, their DC chapter reached out to M Powered Strategies in search of qualified experts to deliver a high impact Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) group leadership workshop. MPS staffers Andrew MacDonald and Jimmy Church, both professionally certified MBTI practitioners, were quick to…


MPS CEO Goes Back to Middle School

Towards the end of every school year, the eighth-graders at Julius West School Middle School in Rockville, MD, start thinking about their futures. Under the supervision of Krista Fiabane, the International Baccalaureate/Middle Years Programme (IB/MYP) Coordinator, the students write their resumes and have an opportunity to meet with a real-life professional.

In early June M Powered Strategies President & CEO, Kendall Lott, had the…


M Powered Strategies Joins the Corporate Service Council

MPS has been invited to join the Corporate Service Council (CSC) run by Points of Light’s Corporate Institute. This is in recognition of over $100K of pro bono service provided directly to Points of Light, in addition to hundreds of volunteer hours MPS staff spent working with other non-profit organizations this year.

The CSC is an elite group of Senior Executives from some of the world’s most prominent companies, working together to…


Congratulations to PACE Cohort 9!

Another milestone has been passed for the members of MPS’ ninth PACE Cohort. Anya Clifford, Paul Dolmon, Sadie Garcea and Lee Levy were honored at the Closing Certificate Ceremony, held May 6 in Sidney Harman Hall. MPS Staff, as well as business partners and members of the PREP Oversight Group were there to celebrate. Anya Clifford was winner of the group’s Business Case, a capstone project which involves researching an actual issue within a…


PM Point of View® Gets Trademarked

PM Point of View® – the podcast that looks at Project Management from all the angles – is officially a registered and recognized trademark.

MPS President, Kendall Lott, started the monthly audio podcast series almost two years ago. The first podcast featured a 13-minute interview with the CIO of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. More than 25 podcasts and 30,000 downloads later, the series has a seriously devoted following….
