I’ve had a desk in this spot since I began working at VACO (Veterans Affairs Central Office) every day, but when we moved to remote work with the pandemic, I fixed it up to create a more comfortable, ergonomic full-time work place. I miss interacting with colleagues in person, but I feel really lucky to have a job I can do remotely. The virtual collaboration tools available today are really amazing, considering the challenges we faced, even…
+In the early days of the pandemic, I anticipated only having to be fully teleworking for a few weeks before we all returned to the office and back to normal. After April and May came and went it became apparent that this crisis was going to last much longer and I needed to establish a more permanent workspace. I was fortunate to commandeer a vacant bedroom in my house as my housemates set up shop in the living room and the basement to conduct…
+I work on one of the few MPS contracts that has always been fully remote, so I’ve had an established workspace for a while. You’d think adjusting to the new Covid-normal would be easy. However, it’s been an adventure as our client worked hard to expand their technological capabilities to support a fully remote workforce and meet telehealth needs. We’re all accustomed to online meetings and interacting via chat, but things get…
+As we head into the fall, working from home has become my new normal. Even though working in isolation can be daunting, I make the extra effort to keep the lines of communication open – for my clients as well as my colleagues at MPS. In addition to federal contract duties, I’ve been handling corporate and individual donations for MPS’ Community Engagement Program. I’ve also been working on a pro-bono project for a food security…
+Hi Everyone! Welcome to my home office in New Jersey. Within the next month, after 28 years in New Jersey, we are making a move south to Chapel Hill, North Carolina to be near our grandchildren. WFH is not something new to me as I have been remote for the last 10+ years, although the stack of moving boxes adds a new twist.
My role as Requirements Analyst for the Benefits Appeals and Memorials Program (BAM) affords me…
+Hello from my home office in Washington, DC! As we hit the peak of summer, working from home has become routine again. It has helped that most of my previous projects over the six years I’ve been at MPS have been remote, which helped me to develop good remote work-from-home habits and stay focused on providing value to my clients. I definitely miss the in-person interaction with colleagues, but Microsoft Teams and socially-distanced, outdoor…