For the past 15 months we have become accustomed to getting up a little later than usual, grabbing a cup of coffee and sitting down at our workstations to attend to the business of the day – often a string of Zoom meetings, punctuated by running down to the laundry room or slapping a sandwich together for a quick lunch. Now (at least in DC) as the masks are coming off, there is a widespread reluctance to get back to the old workplace routine; businesses and organizations are studying the options. For executive consultants and other service-oriented professions, wending our way into work everyday might really become a thing of the past. Dressing up. Commuting. Traffic. Who needs it? We have adapted so brilliantly to the new virtual MO. Right? Well, there are some things Managers and CEOs should consider before making any hard fast decisions. To find out more, check out the latest article by MPS President/CEO, Kendall Lott, on the Digital Project Manager (DPM) website.