We offer a structured, five-component approach designed to tackle complex organizational challenges and guide your operations towards optimum efficiency and goal attainment. Our interconnected services ensure a clear and effective pathway from problem identification to solution execution.

The services we provide include:

Problem Discovery Mapping (PDM)

Problem Discovery Mapping (PDM)

Problem Discovery Mapping (PDM) is a facilitated process that assists organizations in uncovering the root causes of complex issues hampering efficiency and effectiveness. This technique is a streamlined, collaborative way to diagnose your organization's...
Strategy Planning

Strategy Planning

Our approach emphasizes the strategy in strategic planning. An iterative, three-layered development process clarifies executive vision, creates a roadmap for managers to anchor decisions, and gives teams a reliable plan to implement. Governance,...
Mission-Oriented Decision Modeling (MODM)

Mission-Oriented Decision Modeling (MODM)

This model harmonizes decision-making with your organization's core mission and objectives. By promoting collaboration and consensus among decision-makers, MODM leads to well-informed, transparent decision-making that aligns with strategic goals,...
Return-to-Mission (RTM)

Return-to-Mission (RTM)

In government, decision-makers must weigh mission-based outcomes in addition to project costs and risks. RTM leverages your stakeholders to identify the outcomes that matter most to them, capture how organizational changes impact those outcomes,...
IT and Program Management

IT and Program Management

Specializing in IT and Program Management (PM), these services are tailored to meet the needs of large organizations, including federal agencies. Designed to enhance operational efficiency, drive strategic integration, promote technological innovation,...

For a complete list of our capabilities, please see our brochure: