Problem Discovery Mapping (PDM) is a facilitated process that assists organizations in uncovering the root causes of complex issues hampering efficiency and effectiveness. This technique is a streamlined, collaborative way to diagnose your organization’s core issues and build an action plan to address them. By mapping interrelationships and core problems, we facilitate a deeper understanding of the challenges at hand. This clarity enhances stakeholder engagement and accountability, ensuring that the solutions developed are strategic and long-lasting. Here’s how:

  • Problem Identification: Engage stakeholders to collaboratively define the specific problem or challenge impacting their work.
  • Mapping Workshop: Through facilitated brainstorming, the team identifies all potential factors contributing to the defined problem and visually maps the cause-and-effect relationships between these factors.
  • Root Cause Analysis: Analysis of the problem map pinpoints the core causes that, when addressed, will have the most significant impact on resolving the problem.
  • Solution Development: The team collaboratively develops targeted, actionable plans to address the core causes and drive measurable improvements.

For more information, please see our brochure: