In government, decision-makers must weigh mission-based outcomes in addition to project costs and risks. RTM leverages your stakeholders to identify the outcomes that matter most to them, capture how organizational changes impact those outcomes, and build a coalition around expected results. With this input, we use logic chains to document business case narratives, identify change management requirements, and capture governance metrics that proactively inform the resourcing decisions you’ll need to make to stay on the path to success.

Here’s what we do:

  • Stakeholder Engagement: Conduct interviews and workshops to understand stakeholder perspectives on mission alignment.
  • Value Analysis: Analyze activities to quantify mission impact and identify enhancement opportunities.
  • Mission Alignment Assessment: Assess how well current or planned initiatives align with the mission.
  • Recommendation Development: Develop recommendations for better alignment.

And here’s what you get:

  • Return-to Mission Narratives: Messaging for all types of stakeholders about accomplishments, backed up by data.
  • Change Management Recommendations: Key organizational requirements for change planning and communications.
  • Governance Metrics: Leading indicators that help you course correct as priorities and resources shift.

For more information, please see our brochure: