PM Point of View® Podcast Series

Keep It Simple and Communicate

Project Managers want to know where they can use their skills now, and what skills they will need in the future: its all about job security. In this podcast we interview Ms. Kimberly Hancher, CIO of the EEOC, who 3 decades of bringing project management disciplines to federal government agencies to develop and deliver IT projects.

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PM Point of View® is a podcast series produced by Final Milestone Productions and PMIWDC. PMIWDC members and the public at large are invited to listen to brief and informative conversations with practitioners and executives from all over the world as they discuss various perspectives on project management – its uses, its shortcomings, its changes, and its future.

PM Point of View® is a registered trademark of M Powered Strategies, Inc.


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  • Activity Number: 04222014PC

 About the Speaker

Kimberly Hancher

Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC)
Chief Information Officer (CIO)

Kimberly Hancher is a long time member of the Federal Information Technology (IT) community. She began her Federal career at the Department of Veterans Affairs in 1981.

In the 1980’s she implemented the VA’s first enterprise wide electronic mail system. After 15 years at the VA, she joined the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to lead the agency’s electronic government (e-gov) program. During her 10 years at the FCC, the agency deployed over 20 online, web based transaction systems and implemented mandatory electronic filing. She joined the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) as Chief Information Officer in 2008 and is leading several transformational efforts there. She is a valued member of the Federal senior executive service; known for her ability to leverage IT, create a shared vision of the future, and serve as a mentor/role model for aspiring IT professionals.

Mrs. Hancher is also active in charitable organizations. She was President and CIO of The Angels Network (, a charitable group that raises funds for transitional housing and homeless programs in the DC metro area. She currently serves as a board member on the Government Information Technology Executive Council (GITEC). And she is a lifetime member of the Salvation Army Women’s Auxiliary. In 2007 she received the President’s Volunteer Service Award in recognition of her commitment to community service.